Selected Publications
Rebsamen, M., McKinley, R., Radojewski, P., Pistor, M., Friedli, C., Hoepner, R., Salmen, A., Chan, A., Reyes, M., Wagner, F., Wiest, R., & Rummel, C. (2022). Reliable brain morphometry from contrast-enhanced T1w-MRI in patients with multiple sclerosis. Human Brain Mapping.
Dziadosz M, Hoefemann M, Döring A, Marjańska M, Auerbach EJ, Kreis R. Quantification of NAD+ in human brain with 1 H MR spectroscopy at 3 T: Comparison of three localization techniques with different handling of water magnetization. Magn Reson Med. 2022.
Weng, G., Radojewski, P., Sheriff, S., Kiefer, C., Schucht, P., Wiest, R., Maudsley, A. A., & Slotboom, J. (2022). SLOW: A novel spectral editing method for whole-brain MRSI at ultra high magnetic field. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine. https://doi.org/10.1002/mrm.29220
Rebsamen, M., Radojewski, P., McKinley, R., Reyes, M., Wiest, R., & Rummel, C. (2022). A Quantitative Imaging Biomarker Supporting Radiological Assessment of Hippocampal Sclerosis Derived From Deep Learning-Based Segmentation of T1w-MRI. Frontiers in Neurology, 13. https://doi.org/10.3389/fneur.2022.812432
Radojewski, P., Slotboom, J., Joseph, A., Wiest, R., & Mordasini, P. (2021). Clinical Implementation of 7T MRI for the Identification of Incidental Intracranial Aneurysms versus Anatomic Variants. AJNR. American Journal of Neuroradiology, 42(12), 2172–2174. https://doi.org/10.3174/ajnr.A7331
Hoefemann, M., Döring, A., Fichtner, N. D., & Kreis, R. (2021). Combining chemical exchange saturation transfer and 1H magnetic resonance spectroscopy for simultaneous determination of metabolite concentrations and effects of magnetization exchange. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 85(4), 1766–1782. https://doi.org/10.1002/mrm.28574
Hakim, A., Christensen, S., Winzeck, S., Lansberg, M. G., Parsons, M. W., Lucas, C., Robben, D., Wiest, R., Reyes, M., & Zaharchuk, G. (2021). Predicting Infarct Core From Computed Tomography Perfusion in Acute Ischemia With Machine Learning: Lessons From the ISLES Challenge. Stroke, 52(7), 2328–2337. https://doi.org/10.1161/STROKEAHA.120.030696
McKinley, R., Wepfer, R., Aschwanden, F., Grunder, L., Muri, R., Rummel, C., Verma, R., Weisstanner, C., Reyes, M., Salmen, A., Chan, A., Wagner, F., & Wiest, R. (2021). Simultaneous lesion and brain segmentation in multiple sclerosis using deep neural networks. Scientific Reports 2021 11:1, 11(1), 1–11. https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-020-79925-4
Rebsamen, M., Rummel, C., Reyes, M., Wiest, R., & McKinley, R. (2020). Direct cortical thickness estimation using deep learning-based anatomy segmentation and cortex parcellation. Human Brain Mapping, 41(17), 4804–4814. https://doi.org/10.1002/hbm.25159
Dziadosz, M., Bogner, W., & Kreis, R. (2020). Non-water-excitation MR spectroscopy techniques to explore exchanging protons in human brain at 3 T. Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 84(5), 2352–2363. https://doi.org/10.1002/mrm.28322
International Society for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine - ISMRM
Balsiger F, Locher N, Wagner B, Scheidegger O The value of water T2 relaxation time in the early detection of neuromuscular diseases: a retrospective biopsy-controlled analysis in 83 patients. 31st Meeting of ISMRM, 2022; #0673
Weng G, SLotboom J, Radojewski P. Clinical Applicability of SLOW-editing compared to MEGA-editing for the Evaluation of the IDH-mutation Status in Glioma Patients at 7T. 31st Meeting of ISMRM, Virtual Meeting, 2022; #0293
Weng G, SLotboom J, Radojewski P. SLOW-editing for GABA/GABA+ MRSI at 7T. 31st Meeting of ISMRM, Virtual Meeting, 2022; #1032
Weng G, Radojewski P, Schucht P, Wiest R, SLotboom J. SLOW-EPSI for the Whole Brain Detection of Phosphorylethanolamine (PE) at 7T. 31st Meeting of ISMRM, Virtual Meeting, 2022; #1042Rizzo R, Kreis R. Multi-Parametric Single-Shot Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy for Fast Metabolite-Specific Concentration and T2 Determination. 31st Meeting of ISMRM, London, 2022; #0311
Rizzo R, Dziadosz M, Kyathanahally S P, Kreis R. Uncertainties and bias in quantification by deep learning in magnetic resonance spectroscopy. 31st Meeting of ISMRM, London, 2022; #2617
Bonanno G, Marques JP, Kober T, and Hilbert T. Simultaneous T1 and T2 mapping with QuantoRAGE: a new MP2RAGE variant using T2-prepared inversion. In: Proceedings of the 31st Annual Meeting of the ISMRM, London, England, UK; 2022. P 1349.
Bonanno G, Liebig P, Majewski K, Kober T, and Hilbert T. Parallel Transmit T2 Preparation for 3D T2 Mapping at Ultra-High Field. In: Proceedings of the 31st Annual Meeting of the ISMRM, London, England, UK; 2022. P 0626.
Poli P, Bally L, Wiest R, Kreis R. Theoretical evaluation of the feasibility to detect label-exchange by proton MRS at 7 T in human brain after administration of deuterated glucose. 29th Meeting of ISMRM, Virtual Meeting, 2021; #1258
Marty B, Balsiger F, Baudin PY, Lopez A, Araujo E, Reyngoudt H. On the reconstruction of MR-fingerprinting with water and fat separation for quantitative skeletal muscle imaging. 30th Meeting of ISMRM, 2021; #0508
Rizzo R, Kreis R. Accounting for bias in estimated metabolite concentrations from cohort studies as caused by limiting the fitting parameter space. 30th Meeting of ISMRM, Virtual Meeting, 2021; #1258
Bonanno G, Liebig P, Kober T, and Hilbert T. High-resolution T2 maps of the whole brain at 7 Tesla: a proof of concept study using adiabatic T2-prepared FLASH and compressed sensing. In: Proceedings of the 30th Annual Meeting of the ISMRM, Virtual Meeting; 2021. P 3047.
Bonanno G, Hilbert T, Liebig P, and Kober T. Reproducible high-resolution T1ρ maps of the brain in under seven minutes using compressed sensing. In: Proceedings of the 30th Annual Meeting of the ISMRM, Virtual Meeting; 2021. P 1475.
Meyer C, Nuoffer J M, Vermathen P. Selective galactose culture condition reveals distinct metabolic signatures in complex I and V deficient human skin fibroblasts. 31st Meeting of ISMRM, Digital Poster Presentation, 2022; #2419
Bonanno G, Hilbert T, Arun J, Mussard EPC, Forman C, Piredda GF, and Kober T. Accelerated magnetization transfer ratio imaging: feasibility of clinical acquisition time in brain MRI. In: Proceedings of the 29th Annual Meeting of the ISMRM, Virtual Meeting; 2020. P 3138.