Artificial Intelligence
in Medical Imaging
What to expect from this program?
The main objectives of the Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) in Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Medical Imaging is to equip Medical Doctors (MDs) with the necessary skills to take a leading role in the AI-driven transformation of medicine. The course program was developed for medical professionals and provides them with the necessary knowledge and skills to translate medical problems to data science problems. By working on an AI project of their own, the participants will know the fundamental concepts of Artificial Intelligence and can thus judge the feasibility and adequacy of proposed AI solutions.
The program addresses MDs that are active in areas where image and video analysis are integral parts or that are interested in the application of artificial intelligence in medical imaging and diagnosis.
Compatibility between Studies and Professional Occupation
All study programs are conceptualized as extra-occupational programs that can be reconciled with the usual professional work. The study program includes a blended learning concept which means that remote e-learning will be complemented by concept lectures, peer learning and interactive discussions with experts.
Having only a limited number of in-class courses allows for large flexibility while at the same time permitting participants to profit from the experts’ expertise.