Computational anatomy
dives in neurobiology
Computational anatomy
dives in neurobiology
Prof. Dr. Bogdan Draganski
Department of Neurology
Inselspital Bern
Wednesday, 13 November 2024, 16:00
I will make an overview on how we capitalise on advances in MR physics, more specifically relaxometry based quantitative MRI, to delve into relationships between MR contrast and brain morphometry estimates. We test the assumption that lifespan changes in MR contrast can result in spurious morphometry findings on the example of ageing and in neuromodulatory interventions. Then, I will go over our scaling up attempts to look for determinants of ageing in the human brain using large-scale epidemiological data. Finally, I will scale down to some current work in the lab on the microstructural properties of small vessel disease. The outlook will focus on translational aspects of computatoinal anatomy in my clinical domains of interest - brain health and cognitive disorders
The lecture will be held as in-person meeting at sitem-insel (Room O2.211), Freiburgstr. 3, Bern (followed by an Apéro to continue discussions) and in addition broadcast via Zoom@
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