Imaging the developing brain
nature and nurture
Imaging the developing brain
nature and nurture
Prof. Dr. med. Petra Hüppi
Department of Pediatrics
Institute for Development and Growth
University Hospital Geneva
Wednesday, 25 September 2024, 16:00
7TIt is now established that the environment and sensory stimuli have an impact on the child's development. During the last trimester of gestation, activity-dependent plasticity shapes the fetal brain and it has been shown that prematurity alters typical brain development trajectories with more or less vulnerable cerebral regions. In this critical period, preventive interventions aimed at modulating these development trajectories through activity induction interventions are currently being tested.
The purpose of this presentation is to describe the potential of imaging tools (including MRI, DTI, rsfRMI, fMRI), image analysis tools (such as FBA, NODDI, graph theoretical analysis, PPI-CAPS) and high-density EEG (with time frequency analysis) to assess the effects of early vocal contact and music on brain development of the preterm infant early in life.
The lecture will be held in sitem-insel (Room O2.211), Freiburgstr. 3, Bern followed by an Apéro and discussion and
Please feel free to spread the word to anybody potentially interested.
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