Laminar functional quantitative susceptibility mapping &
QSM body applications
Laminar functional quantitative susceptibility mapping &
QSM body applications
Dr. Sina Straub
Department of Pediatrics
Institute for Development and Growth
University Hospital of Old Age Psychiatry and Psychotherapy
University of Bern Switzerland &
Mayo Clinic, Department of Radiology, Jacksonville, Florida, U.S.A.
Wednesday, 20 November 2024, 16:00
This talk will be divided into two parts: The first part will be about a recent project concerning laminar functional quantitative susceptibility mapping (fQSM). I will give a brief introduction to QSM, fQSM and layerfMRI, motivate the use of QSM for functional imaging and present my results that show that fQSM performed slightly better than standard gradient echo BOLD fMRI in a finger-tapping experiment regarding the biastowards superficial venous drainage. Then, I will provide an overview of the planned transcranial direct current stimulation layer-fMRI project on which I will be working in future. The second part about body-QSM will give a brief introduction of the challenges of performing QSM in organs other than the brain and I will talk about various body-QSM applications.
The lecture will be held in sitem-insel (Room O2.211), Freiburgstr. 3, Bern followed by an Apéro and discussion and networking.
Please feel free to spread the word to anybody potentially interested.
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