Novel diffusion MRI approaches to map brain microstructure and activity
Novel diffusion MRI approaches to map brain microstructure and activity
Dr. Ileana Jelescu
Microstructure Mapping Lab
Dept of Radiology
Lausanne University Hospital and University of Lausanne
Wednesday, 19 March 2025, 16:00
Can we develop an in vivo non-invasive microscope for human imaging? We can, by combining diffusion MRI with biophysical modeling. In this talk, (i) I will give an overview of the latest developments and validations in modeling white and gray matter, (ii) present recent applications to neuropsychiatric diseases, where microstructure models help disentangle various pathological features, and (iii) I will present new approaches to diffusion functional MRI, a contrast that does not rely on neurovascular but rather neuromorphological coupling.
The lecture will be held in Sitem-insel Auditorium E0.211 (ground floor, Auditorium Felix Frey ),
Freiburgstr. 3, Bern followed by an Apéro and discussion and networking, and
Please feel free to spread the word to anybody potentially interested.
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