Thinking inside the voxel,
a new window into
myelin water imaging
Thinking inside the voxel,
a new window into
myelin water imaging
Dr. José P. Marques
Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour, Nijmegen, NL
Wednesday, January 18 2023, 17:00
This seminar will cover some of the recent advances on myelin water imaging that have been enabled by thinking of our voxels as a mixture of compartmentalized MR signals. Using realistic biophysical modeling of the interaction between these compartments with the strong magnetic field used in MRI allows the extraction of microstructural information such as Myelin Water Fraction, g‐ratio as wells as various compartment specific relaxation times.
The lecture will be held in sitem-insel (Room O2.211), Freiburgstr. 3, Bern followed by an Apero
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